Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Marshall's Pictures up on Flickr and QUIZ SHOW

My pictures from the entire trip are now up right here. This is the first and only time pictures from my camera have been put online so see them before theyre gone. The last 100 or so pictures are from Copenhagen and Oslo which arent covered in the other albums. This album pretty much has every day of the trip from my camera except today (our 2nd day in Oslo). Enjoy. More pictures from John's camera are also up and Rob's camera will be uploading shortly... so if you have time to kill, there will be about 2000 pictures for your viewing pleasure. Mine are the best though

Five shoutouts to the person who names these five people correctly from our days in Berlin:
1. went to the hospital
2. became Gorbachev when an Irishman ran him into the tree
3. had sex inside a Brazilian inside a bar
4. got a good dose of bird shit on his leg
5. lost his sunglasses in the river


Unknown said...

Oooo, ooooo, I want to play!

Hmmm... Here goes nothing:

1. Rob
2. Marshall
3. Jared
4. John
5. Evan

Just glad to hear you all escaped. Those commies are everywhere here in Eastern Europe...

Anonymous said...

Don't you mean:

3. "Jared"

Marshall said...

Jim got 1 out of 5

Anna said...

gqhrsl1. Marshall
2. Rob
3. Obviously none of the others ..so.. "Jared"?
4. Evan
5. John